Children's World Peace Organization

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Year 2

·         Introduction of Jackal and Giraffe Language

·         Moving beyond “right and wrong”

·         What is an observation?

·         Practice making observations

·         Understanding Universal Feelings

·         Identifying our feelings

·         Understanding Universal Values

·         Identifying our wants

·         What is a clear, immediate and doable request?

·         Using the 4 steps of CC to express ourselves

·         Introduction of Giraffe and Jackal Ears

·         Guessing what someone is feeling and desiring

·         Self Empathy

·         Receiving/listening with Empathy

·         Expressing ourselves Honestly

·         Understanding Blocks to Compassionate Communication

·         Understanding our values 

Non-Violent Communication

Compassionate Communication

World Wide Activities

For more information on the amazing work Marshal Rosenberg has done andis doing to help resolve conflicts around the world, please go to

The Children’s World Peace Organization is committed to the principles of Compassionate Communication (aka NVC)  as outlined in Marshal Rosenberg’s book “Non Violent Communication” and has designed their second year curriculum based on the skills taught in this book.